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Membership fee

When you join us, you will receive your first membership fee invoice when we have approved your membership application. When you pay your membership fee as stated on the invoice, your membership begins on the date we received your application. Congratulations!

Membership fee invoice

When you become a member, we will send you an invoice for the membership fee in January every year. When you pay your membership fee by the due date, your membership will continue uninterrupted. If you do not pay the membership fee, we will have to expel you as of the date when the membership fee is unpaid.

We invoice for one year’s membership at a time. However, our membership fee is based on your time as a member, so when your membership starts and ends, we will only charge a membership fee for the time when you were actually a member.

If you are also a member of YTK Worklife, you will receive two separate membership fee invoices around the beginning of the year: one for YTK Unemployment Fund 105 € and one for YTK Worklife 24 €.

Reference number and e-invoice

Always use the invoice reference number when you pay so that your payment is allocated to the correct membership. The easiest way to take care of your membership fee is to order an e-invoice. Then your membership fee invoice will be sent directly to your online bank. When you order e-invoices, select YTK Unemployment Fund (YTK Työttömyyskassa in Finnish) as the invoicer. You will also need your membership number and the reference number of your previous membership fee invoice. You can find both of these in the OmaYTK service.

Membership fee exemption

We do not have membership fee exemptions. You must pay the membership fee, even if you are unemployed, studying, on maternity leave, or childcare leave and during military service. This ensures you do not lose your accrued membership and work condition periods.

Refund of the membership fee

If your membership is due to end during a new membership period for a reason such as retirement, pay the full membership fee anyway.

When you have sent us your resignation notice, we can refund the surplus portion of your membership fee. We do not refund amounts less than EUR 10. We do not pay interest on refundable membership fees.

Collecting the membership fee from the daily allowance

If you receive a daily allowance and have not paid your membership fee, we will collect the membership fee from your daily allowance after the due date.

Tax deduction for membership fees

The membership fee is tax-deductible in the year of payment. We report all paid membership fees to the Tax Administration.

A fee for belonging to an unemployment fund is considered a professional expense that can be deducted in taxation under the law. The membership fee is deducted from the income used to calculate the tax rather than from the tax itself.

When you file your tax return or check the pre-completed return, remember that you can deduct your YTK Unemployment Fund membership fee 105 € in your taxation.

We report your membership fee directly to the Tax Administration. Please check your membership fee when you order a new tax card or check your tax proposal.

The tax deduction available for our membership fee is worth 30 €–50 € per year.