Send us messages, daily allowance applications and attachments, check your payment details, update your contact details and check your membership fee information.
It’s important to us that you get your daily allowance quickly. We can process a single application in a jiffy and the processing time is short.
But we are also looking after the unemployment benefits of more than half a million employees, so there can sometimes be a lot of applications to process at once. At the turn of the month, for example, there are many applications at once. The processing time is typically longer then, because some of the processing is manual.
Also, not all applications are the same. For example, the first application is always more extensive than the follow-up application of someone who is completely unemployed. The processing time is also longer.
The processing time is also affected by whether we have all the necessary information. In many cases we do, but sometimes we have to wait, for example, for statements from the employment services or salary information from the employer.
The processing time for a first daily allowance application is longer than for follow-up applications. When you make your initial application, we will check all the conditions and obstacles to payment and calculate the amount of your daily allowance.
Normally, you make a follow-up application every month or four weeks. However, you can make your first application as early as two weeks after you became unemployed. Although the first application may take longer to process, you can send it in earlier, so that your daily allowance payments remain regular despite the longer processing time.
Follow-up application with no attachments and no amendments
If you are completely unemployed, laid off or still in the training you have previously declared and your follow-up application does not contain any changes to your previous application, you will have the daily allowance in your account within 2 bank days of the date of receipt of your application.
Such automatically processed follow-up applications must reach us before 11.40 pm in order to be paid so that they are in your account within two bank days of the date of submission.
Even if there are no changes to the application made by you, it is possible that we have received a new statemant from the employment authority, for example. Such circumstances will stop the application in the automated process and the application will go to manual processing.
Follow-up application with attachments or amendments
If your application contains attachments or there have been changes to your situation since your previous application, your application will not be paid through the automated process. In this case, it will go to the queue, where applications will be processed in the order in which they are received.
Application when you have worked part-time
If you have earned income from part-time work, full-time work lasting less than two weeks or from a part-time business, you can apply for an adjusted daily allowance.
These applications are processed manually, but we have put special emphasis on these because we believe that income support should never be a barrier to getting a job.
Bank day
A banking day is a day on which a bank is open and can help to transmit a payment transaction.
Unless otherwise specified by the bank, banking days in Finland are, as a rule, all working days from Monday to Friday. Public holidays are generally not bank days.
If we send you a payment on Wednesday, the money will be in your account on Friday. If we send you a payment on Thursday, you will have the money in your account on Monday.
If we send you a payment on Wednesday, but Friday is a bank holiday, the money will not be in your account until Monday.
Exceptional bank holidays are linked to public holidays. These typically occur around Christmas, Easter, May Day and Midsummer. We will usually inform you separately about exceptional bank holidays.
What is an amendment in the daily allowance application?
If there are any changes to your application, we will process it manually. The processing time will then be longer. However, please do not fail to notify any changes, as the applicant is obliged by law to notify any changes affecting entitlement to benefits. So always fill in your application carefully.
For example, a typical change is the start of part-time work, which is shown on the application form when you declare hours worked or earnings. Various attachments and, for example, the date of payment of wages, take up a lot of time to process the application manually.
Changing the application period is also a change that stops the machine from working. So do not change the application period unless we specifically ask you to do so.
The machine will also stop if we receive information about decisions on other benefits or new statements from the employment services during the application period.