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As a member of the YTK Unemployment Fund, you will have security and support to help you through the challenges of working life.

When you are a member and have satisfied the working condition, you can apply for an earnings-related daily allowance from us. You can also apply for a mobility allowance, transition allowance, and job alternation compensation from us. 

Membership costs 105 € per year 2024.

We encourage you to join us on your first day of work!

Membership condition for earnings-related daily allowance

The right to earnings-related daily allowance requires that you have been a member before unemployment for at least the previous 26 weeks and during the membership period you have collected the working condition.

As a result of the law change, from next autumn the working condition will be extended from six months to a year. At the same time, the membership condition will also be extended. In future, a member of the employees’ fund who has been insured (i.e. a member) for at least 12 of the previous months and who, during the calendar months in which he or she has been insured, has accumulated the required length of employment will be entitled to an earnings-related daily allowance.

Conditions for membership

Once you are in paid employment, you can join us. We don’t have membership restrictions based on your profession, so you can join us regardless of your sector. You also don’t have to change unemployment funds if you change your field of work. We can be your income support throughout your working life.

Read more about the conditions for membership in our knowledge bank.

How to join

Joining us is quick and easy. If you are not yet a member, join now!

Read more about what happens when you send us your membership application in our knowledge bank.

Membership fee

Once you’re a member, remember to keep your membership up to date. You can do that by paying your membership fee. You will receive your first membership fee invoice once we have approved your membership application. After that, we will send you a membership fee invoice once a year. If your membership ever expires, even in the middle of the year, we can refund any unused membership fee.

Read more about our membership fees in our knowledge bank.

Changing your unemployment fund

If you are already a member of an unemployment fund, you can easily switch your membership to us without losing your accumulated rights to income support.

Read more about changing your unemployment fund in our knowledge bank.

Ending your membership

You should not terminate your membership with us even if your career breaks. By keeping your membership, you also keep the earnings protection you have already accumulated, for example, over studies or parental leave. If you are about to retire, your membership with us will no longer be relevant.

Read more about how to end your membership in our knowledge bank.