Send us messages, daily allowance applications and attachments, check your payment details, update your contact details and check your membership fee information.
If you are a member and become unemployed or are laid off, you can apply to us for earnings-related unemployment benefit. It’s easy. Just register as a jobseeker and send us your claim for unemployment benefit.
Even though it’s easy, you may still run into a lot of practical questions in different situations. Don’t worry, on this page we’ve put together a comprehensive information package on how to apply for unemployment benefit.
Whether you’re unemployed, laid off, self-employed or working part-time, applying for the daily allowance works the same way.
Checklist for applying for earnings-related daily allowance
Make your first application for unemployment allowance in the OmaYTK service after two weeks have passed since the start of your unemployment or temporary lay-off.
You can submit an application even if you do not have all the attachments or if you do not have a labour market statement. Missing information can be completed later. The most important thing is to send your application.
You do not need to contact us separately. Instead, you can concentrate on your job search at this point. Once you have submitted your application, it will be passed on to us. We will contact you if anything else is needed.
If you are still unemployed or laid off, make a further application when four weeks or a month have passed since the last day of your first application. OmaYTK will give you the correct application period, i.e. the start and end date of your application.
When your unemployment or lay-off ends, make your last application on the last day of unemployment or lay-off at the earliest.
Make all applications within three months of the first day of the application period at the latest.
Applying for earnings-related daily allowance
In this section of the databank we have gathered a lot of information on how to apply for earnings-related daily allowance.
The easiest way to apply for earnings-related daily allowance is at OmaYTK. It is our online service that will help you complete your application. You can apply for earnings-related daily allowance with the same application regardless of your situation.
We have built the application so that you do not need to send us attachments. Fill out the application carefully, we will advise and ask if there is anything extra we need.
Smaller colds do not hurt, but more serious illnesses and disability may affect your right to receive earnings-related daily allowance. Report illness and disability.