Results of the Member Pulse survey: the voice of YTK members is heard

A warm thank you to all the nearly 23 000 YTK members who responded to the spring Members’ Pulse survey! Your views are invaluable and help us to better understand the needs and concerns of our members.
According to the recent Member Pulse survey, our members’ concerns about rising unemployment have risen since last autumn. This concern is particularly pronounced among older age groups and some unemployed jobseekers. Around a third of unemployed and part-time respondents felt that their age was a significant barrier to employment.
Age is perceived as the biggest barrier to employment
The survey showed that age is seen as the biggest barrier to employment, especially among people aged 45 and over. The vast majority of respondents aged 55 and over felt that age was a barrier to finding a job. Those with higher education perceive age as a barrier as much as those with a secondary education. By contrast, those aged under 35 years perceive their age as little of a barrier to finding a job.
Auli Hänninen, Managing Director of the YTK Unemployment Fund, comments on the results, “If 70-year-olds have to be brought into working life, a 50-year-old cannot be too old to work. This is where attitudes need to change.”
Lack of training and suitable work as challenges
After age, the most common barrier to employment was cited as lack of education. A quarter of unemployed and part-time respondents felt that their education did not match employers’ requirements. Lack of suitable full-time work was cited as a barrier by 23% of respondents, and insufficient pay by 17%.
Some respondents also felt that unemployment itself made it difficult to re-enter the labour market, even if they had the right skills.
The YTK wants to help people find jobs and succeed in working life
While the results of the Member Pulse reveal concerns and obstacles, it is also important to emphasise a hopeful perspective. Many respondents felt that they are doing well in working life and that their position is secure.
The YTK will continue to work to support its members and improve their employment opportunities. Unemployment funds are gaining access to employment support for their members and the YTK Worklife already offers a wide range of tools to support job search and skills development.
Once again, we thank all those who responded to the survey. Your feedback will help us to improve our services and have a positive impact on the development of the labour market.