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A thousand-piece puzzle or a thousand-dollar opportunity?

YTK Spark is here – go for it!

Looking for a job can feel like putting together a complex jigsaw puzzle. There are endless tips and tools online, but applying for and finding a job can still be an exhausting process.

We want to make your job search easier!

Your membership now includes the YTK Spark service, where we’ve put together the best from a wide range of experts to help your job search. No more unnecessary browsing – just sit down and click your way to OmaYTK!

YTK Spark helps when you’re wondering…

Where do I start?

  • Job search coaching will help you get started and navigate the different stages of your job search.
  • A job search calendar will help you manage your time and activities.

Which workplace is right for me?

  • You can access Duunitori directly from OmaYTK.
  • In the job search coaching, you will learn how to identify the most relevant aspects of job advertisements.

How do I stand out from the crowd?

  • Our tools will help you identify your strengths and stand out from the crowd! A job personality assessment developed by experts will boost your self-esteem and give you ideas on how to articulate your skills.

A strong CV and job application?

  • Get clear guidance and access to a range of CVs and job applications.
  • Take advantage of new insights and fresh perspectives!

Where to find motivation?

  • You’ll also find tools to help you manage the stresses and pressures of the job search.
  • Get tips on maintaining positive energy and boosting your self-confidence.

Check out the rest of the Spark services and go for it!

Are you also a member of YTK Worklife? You’ll get even more!

Get professional, personalised guidance on job search and career planning. With advice from a professional, your job search will be easier and more productive.

When you need to update your skills, use Eduhouse’s online training service! You can take part in real-time distance learning or learn new skills through training recordings anytime, anywhere.

As a member of YTK Worklife, you also get legal assistance, insurance, hotel discounts and much more for just 29 € a year.

You can access the benefits and services of YTK Worklife by logging in to OMA+. If you cannot log in, you are not yet a member of YTK Worklife.

Thank you for your name suggestions!

“Työkompassi”, “Kiitorata”, “Kipinä”, “Toivo”, “Jelppi”, “Tsemppari”, “UraBuusti”…

In our last newsletter, we asked our members to suggest a name for our new employment service. We received a staggering 3140 responses in total! A big thank you for all the suggestions – we have read through them with enthusiasm and curiosity!

The name of the service was chosen to be ‘Sytyke‘ in Finnish. Sytyke was suggested by several members. We have translated it to Spark in English.

We think that Sytyke and Spark describe our service aptly: they launch a dynamic and energetic job search.

Discover Spark on OmaYTK! 💚

If you become unemployed or laid off
💡 Do this! 💡