The working condition will be met more slowly in the future

- Income security
- Law change
- Membership
In future, a longer period of work will be required in order to receive the earnings-related daily allowance. This change is particularly important for people in the early stages of their careers and for those in intermittent employment. They will need to remember to apply for membership in good time.
The amendment, which entered into force in September, extended the time required to meet the working condition for earnings-related daily allowance from six months to twelve months. Meeting the condition of being in employment is a prerequisite for being eligible for the earnings-related daily allowance.
Under the reform, the working condition will be met monthly if earnings are at least 930 €, or partially if they are between 465 € and 929 €. The condition can still be accumulated over a 28-month reference period, so that even short fixed-term contracts can accumulate the necessary working condition.
This change is particularly important for people at the beginning of their careers and for those in intermittent employment. They will need to remember to take care of their membership in good time.
“The importance of unemployment fund membership is highlighted, as membership must be valid for the longer period of accumulation of the working condition, up to the entire 28-month reference period if necessary,” says Auli Hänninen, CEO of the YTK Unemployment Fund.
Work below the level of the collective agreement or subsidised work does not qualify
To qualify for the working condition, all statutory contributions and taxes must have been paid on the wages paid. In addition, only wages that are at least in line with the collective agreement or the law can count towards the working condition.
Wage-subsidised work does not count towards the working time condition. However, as an exception, wage-subsidised work does count towards the working condition after 10 months for the long-term unemployed aged over 60 and for the partially disabled.