A break from legislative changes

- Income security
- Law change
2024 was a record year for the number of legislative changes. From now on, it looks quieter, barring any surprises.
The opposition party Kokoomus won the 2023 parliamentary elections. In its election manifesto, Kokoomus promised to make work pay and reform Finnish working life and the labour market. Based on these promises, the government programme included provisions on the development of unemployment security. As far as income security is concerned, these provisions have now largely been implemented, so no further changes are expected for the current election period.
Major changes
From the point of view of the organisation of unemployment security, the biggest changes were the euroisation of the working condition and the transfer of public employment services from the state to the municipalities, which took place at the beginning of the year. These changes are really big and their impact can only be assessed much later.
From the applicant’s point of view, the biggest changes have certainly been the staggering of income support and the abolition of the child increase and exampt amount. These changes have had a particular impact on the pockets of single parents and part-time workers.
From the Unemployment Fund’s point of view, the extension of its tasks to employment support was historic. We believe and hope that in the future we will be better able to support all our members.
Prospects for the future
During the spring of 2025, the government will produce studies on the further development of income security. In the mid-term review, studies will be presented on a universal earnings-related benefit and a linear model for the duration of unemployment benefits. These studies will not immediately or necessarily lead to legislative changes, but we will follow the issue closely and keep you informed of progress.
This year will also see the preparation of the so-called “combined insurance”, which would in future make it possible to collect the working condition in a combination of paid employment and self-employment.
We will follow developments closely and will again in the spring also ask our members for their views on the development of income security. So stay tuned!