These questions are now being asked a lot

- Income security
- Membership
- Unemployment
Now, during the first part of the year, we have a backlog in applications processing and regarding benefits and membership advice. We’ve put together some tips and frequently asked questions.
Membership invoice
- Can I pay in instalments?
Payment arrangements are possible. Please contact our customer service.
- Can the due date of the membership fee be deferred?
If you need more time to pay, you can extend the due date by two weeks. Payment arrangements are possible if you need even more time to pay. In that case, please contact our customer service.
- Why did I get two invoices?
If you receive two membership fee invoices, you are probably a member of both the YTK Unemployment Fund and YTK Worklife. These are separate organisations, so they also invoice separately. Check the details of the invoices again. They have different senders, account numbers, reference numbers and amounts.
- Why did I receive a paper invoice when I have ordered an e-invoice?
Here are some possible reasons why you might receive a paper invoice even though you have ordered an e-invoice:
- You have ordered an e-invoice after having been sent a paper invoice.
- You have ordered an e-invoice but you have not accepted the e-invoice proposal in your online bank.
- You have ordered an e-invoice, but due to a technical error we have not received an acknowledgement of receipt from the bank.
- Your e-invoice request has not been successful because you still have an e-invoice contract from a previous membership.
- Your e-invoice order relates to a previous membership with us or another unemployment fund.
- You have ordered an e-invoice from a provider other than us.
- You are remembering wrong. You have not ordered an e-invoice from us.
If you have ordered and accepted an e-invoice after sending a paper invoice and the invoicing method has been updated to e-invoice in the OmaYTK service, this is OK. You will receive your next invoice as an e-invoice.
If you have ordered an e-invoice but have not accepted the e-invoice proposal in your online bank, there is no record of the e-invoice order in your online bank. Either authorise the e-invoice directly in your online bank or order a new e-invoice proposal in OmaYTK and have it approved in your online bank. To make an e-invoice authorisation, you will need your invoice details. You can find them in the paper invoice and in OmaYTK.
If your online bank shows YTK Unemployment Fund as your e-invoice provider, but you have still received a paper invoice from us, it is possible that we have not received an acknowledgement of receipt from your bank or that the e-invoice agreement relates to your previous membership with us. In this case, please delete the YTK Unemployment Fund or the General Unemployment Fund YTK e-invoice authorisation and make a new e-invoice authorisation the next weekday. To make an e-invoice authorisation, you will need your invoice details. You can find them in the paper invoice and in OmaYTK.
Are you a member of YTK Worklife in addition to the YTK Unemployment Fund? There is also a paper surcharge on the paper membership invoice of YTK Worklife. Here’s how to switch to a free e-invoice.
- Do I have to send you a tax card?
No, you do not. You can order a new tax card from the tax authorities and register us, the YTK Unemployment Fund, as the recipient of your tax information. The new tax information will then be transferred to us electronically and you will not have to send us anything separately.
- Why have the daily allowances for December gone on the January tax card?
Withholding, i.e. taxation, is based on the date of payment. The daily allowance is always applied for retroactively, which in practice means that the daily allowance paid is for the previous month. So in January, we pay the daily allowance for December. The payment date is then in January, so that the tax is based on the January tax data, even though the daily allowance is for December.
- Why has my tax rate changed?
The tax authorities have developed a new way of working so that your tax card is automatically renewed at the turn of the year. We receive this tax information directly and use it for the tax on the daily allowance, if nothing else. However, this tax information is calculated for wages, so the tax rate may not be entirely correct for the purpose of taxing the daily allowance.
If you wish, you can order a new tax card from the tax authorities to take better account of the use of the tax rate for the taxation of the daily allowance. This can be done via the tax office’s service. When you order a new tax card, you can provide an estimate of your future earnings-related daily allowances. At the same time, you should indicate us, the YTK Unemployment Fund, as the recipient of the tax information.
- Does sending a change tax card affect the processing timeframe?
If we are processing your first application, the change tax card will not affect the processing time. In the case of a follow-up application, new tax information received electronically will also not affect the processing time. However, if you send us the change tax card separately, it may affect the processing time for your follow-up application. When you order a new tax card from the tax authorities, please indicate the YTK Unemployment Fund as the recipient of the tax information. Then we will receive the tax information electronically directly into the system and the processing time will not be affected.
Daily allowance
- Have you received my application?
Probably yes. You can check your application in OmaYTK. It is also always a good idea to apply online. If you send your application by post, please allow a few days for the post to arrive.
- What is the waiting period?
We can only pay you an earnings-related allowance after you have been unemployed for a total of seven full working days for a maximum of eight consecutive calendar weeks. This is the waiting period.
In practice, this means that the first time you apply for daily allowance, we cannot pay you for the first week and a half. This does not affect the payment schedule. In practice, this means that the first payment will be slightly lower.
As a general rule, the waiting period comes once per one full working condition and maximum payment period, i.e. once a year at the most. However, the legislation on working conditions changed last autumn and during the transitional period it is possible that in some situations the waiting period may come up again, even if it is only a year since the last one. These are rare situations and will soon be completely eliminated.
It is also possible that the waiting period will elapse very slowly. In such cases, the waiting period may not run out completely within eight consecutive calendar weeks and we may have to take a new waiting period. These situations are usually linked to part-time lay-offs, where the number of weeks of lay-offs is very small.
- What does it mean to periodize the holiday compensation?
If you have unused holiday days at the end of your employment, your employer will pay them as holiday compensation. The holiday compensation prevents you from receiving the daily allowance for the period that the holiday compensation corresponds to in days.
This means that we calculate how many days of holiday compensation you receive in relation to your salary. For this period, you are not entitled to earnings-related daily allownace. However, you may still be entitled to an earnings-related daily allowance after that period.
This does not reduce the maximum period of payment of the daily allowance.